Calibration Services Offered – Accreditations
Giga-tronics Incorporated maintains a network of sales engineers and a staff of trained factory support personnel to help you determine the most reliable and economical service for your Giga-tronics instrument.
We will provide you with technical support, quotations and assist you in placing orders to ensure your loyalty and Customer Satisfaction with Giga-tronics.
Giga-tronics is committed to providing timely and reliable service. In the case of Giga-tronics instruments that have reached end-of-service support due to component obsolescence, please contact us to evaluate and provide a solution for your application requirements.
Standard Services
We provide a range of repair, upgrade, and calibration services to assure the continued accuracy, reliability, and conformance to original factory specifications of your Giga-tronics instrument. Services include:
- All repairs are certified and traceable to NIST, and include calibration to publish specifications
- ISO-9001:2008 compliance and AS9100 REV C
- Repair record retention
- 90-day repair warranty
- Factory-authorized hardware, firmware, and software upgrades, as applicable
- All calibrations are processed in full accordance with ANSI-Z-540-1, ISO/IEC 17025:2005
- Calibrations performed against same specifications used in original manufacturing of the 
- All test equipment is traceable to NIST
- ISO-9001:2008 compliance and AS 9100 Rev C
- Adjustment as necessary
- Certificate of Calibration with list of standards is supplied
- Calibration sticker with next calibration due date is supplied
- Calibration seal is affixed to the instrument
- Calibration test data report 1
- Calibration record retention
- Instruments shipped back to customer in original factory packaging
1 Test data report is an additional charge and includes “as received” and “as left” data.