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An AXIe-based Real-Time EW and Radar Threat Emulation System

An AXIe-based Real-Time EW and Radar Threat Emulation System Military radar and EW systems must be exposed to signal environments as representative as possible to those they will ultimately experience,…

Build vs. Buy

Radar RF Target and Environment Generator / EW Simulator:  Considerations a “Build vs Buy” Decision Cost of specifying, designing, building or buying complex uW test solutions can have a significant…

Using an Arbitrary Waveform Generator for Threat Generation

Using an Arbitrary Waveform Generator for Threat Generation Almost any threat emitter – legacy or next generation AESA – can be realized using a combination of a modern Arbitrary Waveform…

Simulation of Advanced Radar Systems

Simulation of Advanced Radar Systems using Pentek 78620 FPGA cards with the Giga-tronics GT-ASGM18A Advanced Signal Generator and GT-ASAM18A Advanced Signal Analyzer Modern radar systems produce signals which are complex…

Next Generation Threat Creation Using COTS Equipment

Next Generation Threat Creation Using COTS Equipment Fueled by the global adoption and application of AESA technology, the science of Electronic Warfare is rapidly evolving. As an engineer who needs…

COTS AWG Analysis

COTS AWG Analysis An arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) is a piece of electronic test equipment used to generate electrical waveforms. These waveforms can continuous/repetitive or single-shot (once only) in which…